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 Carlon Doble Vino Tinto Dulce (Non Vintage), Valle de Parras

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Bjørn Tore Aastorp Ruud
Bjørn Tore Aastorp Ruud

Number of posts : 999
Age : 55
Localisation : Lillestrøm, Norway
Emploi : Wine Consultant
Registration date : 2007-05-24

Carlon Doble Vino Tinto Dulce (Non Vintage), Valle de Parras Empty
PostSubject: Carlon Doble Vino Tinto Dulce (Non Vintage), Valle de Parras   Carlon Doble Vino Tinto Dulce (Non Vintage), Valle de Parras Icon_minitimeFri May 25, 2007 9:35 pm

Grapes: I would guess Ruby Cabernet???
Color: Dark ruby, medium depth, good intensity.
Nose: Freshly made jam of raspberry and blackberry, some minerals.
Palate: Medium bodied, juicy fruit as above, fresh medium long finish, low tannin, sweet!!!
Foodmatch: Icecream with red and black berries, chocolate and a perfect match would be pancakes with blueberries like we eat in old Norway. Chill to 14 degrees celcius.
Cellaring: Drink now.

Comercial straightforward wine but refreshing. 4 usd.
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Carlon Doble Vino Tinto Dulce (Non Vintage), Valle de Parras
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