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 San Lorenzo Vino Tinto ((Non Vintage), Valle de Parras, Casa

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Bjørn Tore Aastorp Ruud
Bjørn Tore Aastorp Ruud

Number of posts : 999
Age : 55
Localisation : Lillestrøm, Norway
Emploi : Wine Consultant
Registration date : 2007-05-24

San Lorenzo Vino Tinto ((Non Vintage), Valle de Parras, Casa Empty
PostSubject: San Lorenzo Vino Tinto ((Non Vintage), Valle de Parras, Casa   San Lorenzo Vino Tinto ((Non Vintage), Valle de Parras, Casa Icon_minitimeFri May 25, 2007 9:31 pm

Grapes: Cabernet Sauvignon, Tempranillo.
Color: Dark red-black-purple, medium depth, good intensity.
Nose: Intens of blackcurrant and the blackcurrant bush, weak of raspberry that fades fast, distinct of tar and mature meat, some pine and very weak oak.
Palate: Medium bodied, consentrated fruit of blackcurrant and crowberry, nice balance and good acidity, young but fine tannins, medium long, firm and powerful finish of blackcurrant and crowberry, leather, tar and weak oak. Dry.
Foodmatch: Grill, or rich dishes of cow or lamb. Fat sauces.
Cellaring: 0-2 years.
Very good value. 5 usd.
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San Lorenzo Vino Tinto ((Non Vintage), Valle de Parras, Casa
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